ABIO materials

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We are developing new biomaterials using
ABIO's patented technology

LNP encapsulation(Proprietary Technology: Cellularsome®)

Lipid Nano Particle encapsulation, a next-generation liposome/encapsulation technology that stabilizes bioactive substances in lipids using microfluidic chips, dramatically increasing skin permeability


Utilization of plant-based lipids / PEG-Free, room temperature, and pressure manufacturing process for sustainable production / Facilities with the largest microfluidic channels in the country / Process capable of the most significant mass production domestically.

LNP encapsulation
Schematic of Cellularsome®


  • Analysis : HPLC
  • Active : Cmpound k 0.5%
  • HPLC analysis condition
    Detector : UV/VIS Detector (203nm) / Column : 250*4.5 (5um), 30℃
    Mobile : ACN/Water=60/40