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ABIO materials

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Process technology for extracting exosomesfrom plants and lactobacilli at high purity.

ABIO's patent for exosome mass production platform technology

Holding the most varieties of exosome raw materials domestically.

Technologies for mass cultivation and separation/purification production of stem cells, plants, lactobacilli, etc. Application of ExoTraction® new method in plant/lactobacillus exosome extraction.

Liposome technology that improves skin permeability with plant-derived Lipid.

LNP encapsulation technology for encapsulating bioactivesubstances such as miRNA and peptides.


We are developing new biomaterials with ABIO's patented technologies including innovative Plant/Probiotic Exosome Extraction Technology

Biotech new materials

A new biotechnology material developed based on ABIO's patented technology and Korea's most experienced production facility.

ExoOrganic Center specialized
in Exosome production

Contract manufacturing and production of stem cell, plant, animal, and microbial-derived exosomes

Medical Aesthetic Products

Introducing Skin Boosters and Exosome therapy.

CellExosome® Blacklabel
LuciDor EXO-Therapy